Sheida Shirvani (Ph.D. North Texas State University). Dr. Shirvani is nationally known in the field of Gender and Cultural Communication. During her tenure at Ohio University Zanesville, she served 8 years as academic division coordinator and interim associate dean and served as full professor in the department of Communication studies at the Zanesville Campus. Presently, she is President and CEO of Diverse: Gender, Culture Collaboration.

Dr. Shirvani first came to the Ohio University Zanesville as assistant professor in 1987. She became associate professor in 1994, and a full professor 2003. She retired in 2020.  At present she is consulting, researching and learning new music instruments.

A native of Tehran, Iran she received a bachelor’s degree in English Lit (1976), a master’s degree in Cross Cultural Communication (1979), and Ph.D. in College Teaching, specialization – Interpersonal/Intercultural Communication. For 33 years she taught the following communication courses: Gender, Cross cultural, Interviewing, Capstone course in communication dept. and Master course, Topics in Organizations and Gender.



Shirvani is member of various state and national organizations, including the National Communication Association(NCA), International Communication Association(ICA), Ohio Communication Association(OCA) just to name a few. She has served in the capacity of editorial board of Ohio Communication Journal, Executive Director of OCA, and Vice President of the Ohio Communication Association.

My areas of research interest include: Women of the “Sandwich” generation and multiple roles: The case of immigrant women, The politics of Hijab: Culture tradition of weapon and power, Women in Politics: Comparison of Singapore Women and United States Women, and Dick and Jane online: Implications of gender differences for distance learning.

My first accomplishment in the United States were Outstanding International Graduate Student at North Texas State University (1983), Who’s Who Among Teachers (2000), Ohio Outstanding Professor – State of Ohio (2004-2005), Outstanding Professor in Ohio Magazine (2008-09), Outstanding RHE Professor (2007-2009), and Distinguish e-learning educator – Instructional Technology Council 2010 just to name a few.

Sheida Shirvani (Ph.D. North Texas State University). Dr. Shirvani is nationally known in the field of Gender and Cultural Communication. During her tenure at Ohio University Zanesville, she served 8 years as academic division coordinator and interim associate dean and served as full professor in the department of Communication studies at the Zanesville Campus. Presently, she is President and CEO of Diverse: Gender, Culture Collaboration.

Dr. Shirvani first came to the Ohio University Zanesville as assistant professor in 1987. She became associate professor in 1994, and a full professor 2003.

A native of Tehran, Iran she received a bachelor’s degree in English Lit (1976), a master’s degree in Cross Cultural Communication (1979), and Ph.D. in College Teaching, specialization – Interpersonal/Intercultural Communication. For 33 years she taught the following communication courses: Gender, Cross cultural, Interviewing, Capstone course in communication dept. and Master course, Topics in Organizations and Gender.


Dr. Shirvani honored by Ohio Communication Association