I am Iranian American living in the United States more than half of my life. I came here for education and stayed here for better life and safety.
According to the statistic in 2018 published women and girls made up slightly more than half of the 44.7 million immigrants residing in the United States.
Also, data indicates that close to two-thirds of the global migrant population is made up of migrant workers, who are more likely to be male and who often are not allowed to bring families along. This is in contrast, with family reunification dominates in the U.S.
Furthermore, 14 percent of all females residing in the United States are immigrants. They are mothers, workers, educators, and students. Immigrants make important contributions to local economy, communities, and local society.
As immigrants, we come from diverse origins and linguistic backgrounds, and have different levels of education and work experiences, these different experiences shape our social and economic integration in the United States.
Our experiences in the United States raise implications for sending and receiving countries, with respect to labor opportunities, family structure, gender roles, and more.
As a professional educator, and mother I believe I have been an asset to our society and communities, and I hope to continue to contribute more to my community by being involved and active in my society.
I encourage all immigrant women to voice and share their ideas with other immigrants. We have a place in this society, and we need to fight for our rights and do not allow anybody bulling us.
Almost after half a century living in the United States, I guess I give myself a right to discuss and share my voice with my fellow friends. It is hard feeling free to express yourself in the land that would never accept you completely as one of herself. More you put your energy and work harder less you see result. Adapting, to new culture is not difficult, but finding a balance that you do not lose your own identity at the same time acculturate and accept your new homeland is challenging, inspiring, exciting and at the same time puzzling. In this page I introduce you to immigrant women from every corner of the world who are inspiring in their own merit and giving and sharing their heart and skills with their new motherland.